Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rashes Of The Skin

Skin rashes is a common skin discomfort which causes small red spots, redness and itchiness. It can happen anywhere is your skin your face, your hands, your legs, your body. Using the wrong skin care products such as cleanser, toner, scrub, moisturizer or masque may upset your skin.

It does not matter whether you are using chemical based or natural / herbal based products, if your skin cannot cope or accept the particular facial ingredient, your skin will break out with rashes signaling you Hello! You have used the wrong product..". Some people may be allergy to essential oils, even the most expensive and branded skin care product may cause allergy to some users.

 Switching skin care products (different brands) too often in a short period of time say within one or two months, can also cause irritation, sometimes rashes to your face. Just before your skin could adjust to the current brand, you have decided to try new ones.

Eventually your skin could not take it and begin to show signs of rashes. Stick to the skin care products which suit you most, try to do a patch test when trying to start a new skin care product. Switch to a new brand only when necessary due to skin changes, most importantly after 6-8 months of using the current skin care brand.

 Do not be tempted to try new skin care products after watching television advertisements. If you wish to do so, get some samples and try it on the neck area or hands. Old make up products such as foundation, concealer, lip stick, blusher, eye liner , mascaras or eye shadow can cause skin rashes. Beware of make up tools such as dirty brushes and dirty comb.

Try not to keep your make up for more than 6 months in hot and humid area, and for cold and dry area, keep it up to around one year of time frame but not more. In order to allow your make up to last longer, keep the product clean and fresh at all time. Wipe the sides and corner of bottles, tube or containers after using each time to prevent from getting contaminated.

 Taking certain food can cause some skin rashes to the facial areas. You must have come across friends who experience facial skin rash after taking seafood or beef. If you find that you get facial skin rashes after taking certain food, perhaps you should avoid taking that particular food or consult your doctor for advice.

 Do not allow certain chemicals such as laundry detergent, dish washing liquid or other cleaning chemicals to smear onto your facial skin. Some of these chemicals can be too strong for your facial skin which results in skin rashes. Hair shampoo can also cause skin problems. When washing your hair, please ensure that the hair shampoo does not flow down the face area.

Chemicals for construction use can be harmful to your facial skin too cement, paint, shellac, thinner. Avoid placing your face near these chemicals. Always keep your hands clean before touching your face. Bacteria on your hands can cause pimples and even skin irritation.

Keep your pillows, bed, mattress and sofa clean, otherwise mites could end up disturbing your top layer of skin causing face and body rashes all over. Face and bath towel should be kept clean at all time to avoid skin problems as well.
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Skin Rashes And Your Health

Rashes develop for many different reasons and the types of rash that exist are just as various. There are spotty rashes, itchy rashes, blotchy rashes and lumpy rashes. Deciding what has caused a particular rash is hardly ever easy but there are sometimes useful clues. For example, if someone who is taking a medicine of any kind develops ~ rash, there is a good chance that the rash and the medicine are linked.

Similarly, many rashes are caused by allergy reactions, so changing soap powder or using a new type of deodorant or perfume can result in the development of a rash. If you suspect that a rash is caused by a drug side effect or an allergy, the best way to relieve any associated symptoms (the commonest being itching) is to apply calamine lotion.

You should also see your doctor, particularly if the problem could be related to a prescribed medicine. Differentiating between the various types of rash produced by infectious diseases is never easy - even for doctors. Chickenpox is one of the easiest to recognize since, although the disease commonly starts with a red, blotchy rash, the spots become watery blisters fairly quickly.

A measles rash usually starts at the back of the neck and consists of small red spots grouped together to form red blotches. These eventually appear over the whole of the body.

A rubella or German measles rash tends to consist of small, flat pink spots but these also can run together to form red patches or blotches, making it difficult to distinguish the rash from that of ordinary measles. If the rash is confined to the face then it is possibly acne, if it is accompanied by severe pain then shingles are a leading contender. On the feet, athlete's foot is a possible diagnosis and when rashes appear between two areas of skin which rub together then it is very likely to be intertrigo.

When a rash consists of weeping, pus-filled spots, impetigo is a likely explanation. Among babies and young children, ordinary heat rash is the commonest rash. Although it usually occurs, as its name suggests, in warm weather a heat rash can also develop in the cold if the baby is covered with too many clothes or bed-clothes.

Heat rashes usually begin on the cheeks, shoulders, bottom and skin creases and consist of pinhead-sized red spots. Red-headed and blond children are the ones most likely to suffer and the most important thing to do is to try to keep the child fairly cool. Nappy rashes are very common, too, among children.

These tend to be red, rough and rather scaly, and are usually caused either by the contact between urine and the skin or by the use of a too powerful detergent. From all this, you will see why rashes can be exceedingly difficult to diagnose. I certainly think that if you find a rash that you cannot- identify with absolute certainty then you should ask your doctor for help.
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Three Common Baby Rashes - Helping Your Infant Heal

When you notice bumps on your baby, you often can't tell if they are serious or innocent. For instance, could it just be a few mosquito bites in one area of the arm or is it the beginning of a rash? Can it be an additional reaction to having a fever or virus in the system? Here are a few rashes to be aware of that are common in babies.

Cradle cap can result in redness and scaly patches on your child's scalp. Some say this is due to hormonal changes after birth. It is due to oil secretions that are overproducing and leaving dead skin on surface of head. Cradle cap is not serious and medication from your pediatrician will be helpful. This needs to be watched as the skin disorder can often be resistant.Heat rash is a cluster of tiny bumps on the baby's skin caused by overheating. The appearance of the bumps is usually a light red color.

A Summary Of Some Common Skin Rashes In Babies

The heat rash will appear on the fold of the baby's skin, areas where the clothes fit tight including the stomach, chest, crotch, neck and buttocks. Also, the baby can experience heat rash on the scalp if little caps or hats are worn.The causes of the heat rash can come from the baby sweating so finding ways to control this is important.

The rash can be treated by first starting with removing clothes from the infant and moving the child to a cool room. The individual affected areas can be treated with cool, damp washcloths. Another treatment is giving the baby a bath with baking soda. Try after bathing to allow the baby's body to air dry instead of using a towel. Corn starch can be helpful and be careful about using thick ointments that can clog the pores.

Nappy rash is another name for diaper rash and is one of the common baby rashes. The rash can make the infant's bottom sore and red. If the condition worsens then the rash can lead to broken skin, red spots and blisters. The cause it is from the skin kept wet and subsequent irritation from the diaper being kept on the baby too long. Some children can develop a diaper rash from soap and detergent.

Important Aspects About Cystitis Among Children

Getting fresh air to the area without a diaper is helpful. There are also many diaper rash creams on the market. Some people find that using a zinc oxide cream or one with vitamins A and D have reduced skin irritation. Be sure to find out if your child may be having an allergic reaction to foods that can be contributing to this issue.

Most common baby rashes are not harmful but severe cases should lead one to seek the attention of a doctor. If there is any breathing issues, always seek immediate medical attention as an allergic reaction can be causing both the rash and respiratory problems.
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